Monday, March 19, 2012

Walking in Nassau

I finally brought my camera with me when walking around Nassau yesterday. It was a beautiful day. High 70's with a nice cooling breeze. The water is REALLY clean and bright blue here.

I realized that this was my first step on foreign soil in a long time. In fact, it was my first time out of the USA except for going to Canada for a few snowboarding trips. So, naturally, after Tony and I left the ship our first stop was Subway (!!). He was hungry. I had already eaten. Apparently, you can get a $5 footlong anywhere. 

We cruised around some of the shopping areas and took a walk to check out the beach. I even managed to get IN one of the pictures (how's that for thinking ahead?). Things I have planned for Nassau in the future: parasailing, kayak rental and buying a drink served in a coconut. 

Pictures as promised:

Ted likes police. Interesting uniforms!

I'm always amazed at the size of the cruise ships.

I'm really not this fat, the shirt is too big and the wind is blowing (at least
that's what I'm telling myself).

Ahh....American culture!

You can't just get away from this stuff!

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